

Flexible Working Arrangements: How Balancing Work and Life Has Made Me More Productive at Work

July 26, 20233 min read

What do we want? Flexible working! When do we want it? Now! Let’s face it 9-to-5 was fine while it lasted, but it wasn’t without its faults. The days of using holiday for doctors’ appointments and childcare are a thing of the past, or at least they should be by now. We are living in a time where the gig economy is booming, companies can recruit talent from across the globe and workers have a brand new mindset. Flexible working arrangements are at the heart of all this.

More and more workers are seeking flexibility at work with a whopping 40% of global job seekers considering workplace flexibility as a key factor in their search for a new position. It’s not just a matter of convenience - flexible working arrangements can actually increase productivity, job satisfaction and employee retention.

One of the biggest advantages of flexible working for me is being able to tailor my routines; working flexibly gives me the freedom to work at the times I feel most productive and take breaks during my productivity troughs where I can get moving, get outside and have a mental reset. Not to mention the added health benefits of utilising these breaks to get in some exercise and fresh air; whilst being able to adhere to your natural body clock.

Tailoring your work environment is another major benefit; as we are all different and work best in different environments. Some people are most productive in a bustling environment, while others hit peak productivity in quieter settings. Having a level of control over the environment you are in can lead to higher levels of creativity and focus, overall impacting efficiency and quality of work produced.

Likely the most popular benefit of flexible working is achieving a better work-life balance; a goal many of us spend our whole working lives aiming for. Flexible working arrangements are a game changer! As much as we all like to pretend we have our s*** together, I’ll be the first to admit juggling it all can be overwhelming. Having a flexible schedule means I can thrive at work, spend quality time with my loved ones, run all my errands and finally finish all of those projects I started around the house during the pandemic (well, maybe), without having to make sacrifices.

Of course, flexible working arrangements aren't without their challenges. One of the biggest is the temptation to blur the lines between work and personal time. When you're able to work from anywhere, it can be difficult to switch off and truly disconnect from work. This is something I've struggled with in the past, but I've found that setting clear boundaries and sticking to them has helped me maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Another challenge is the added consideration of communication and collaboration. Outside of a traditional office environment, not only are you losing the social aspect of work, but it can be difficult to remember to stay connected with your team. It’s important to have systems in place for information sharing and keeping everyone in the loop. Video chatting, project management tools and instant messengers are all great ways to keep the whole team in the loop, stay on top of deadlines and stay socially connected.

Flexible working arrangements are no longer a perk - they're becoming the norm. As more and more companies recognise the benefits of giving their employees greater control over their work schedules, we can expect to see a shift towards more flexible and remote work arrangements. For workers, this means greater freedom and autonomy. And for companies, it means attracting and retaining top talent in an increasingly competitive market.

Flexible working arrangements have been a game changer for me. By achieving a better work-life balance and customising my routines and work environment, I've been able to increase my productivity and job satisfaction. Of course, there are challenges to overcome, but with the right mindset and tools, flexible working arrangements can be a win-win for both employees and employers.

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