

Want to dismiss an employee? Here’s what you need to consider

August 05, 20222 min read

It’s likely that at some point you’ve thought long and hard about firing an employee.

Whether they’re underperforming, they’re displaying challenging behaviour, or you’ve received complaints about them from others, you’ve probably wondered how quickly you can get them out of your business.

Unfortunately, unless there are exceptional circumstances, it’s not as easy as just dismissing an employee. There is a process that you need to follow, to the letter, to get rid of someone without acting unfairly, with discrimination, and without ending up in an employment tribunal. Whether it’s your first time doing it, or your tenth, the process never gets easier.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be a total nightmare either. Do things the right way and you stay on the right side of employment law while hopefully setting a good example to the rest of your team

Another great side effect of following the right process is that you might even get to a point where dismissal is off the table, and you decide with your employee how things can change for the better.

Unless you have an HR professional on hand to guide you through the process at each step of the way, it can be tricky to know what to do next. But with a little forward planning - and the right information - you can make the disciplinary/dismissal process simple and straightforward for everyone.

I’ve written a new guide that tells you everything you need to know, and what you need to do to make sure you stay on the right side of employment law. It also contains a handy checklist of the dos and don’ts of dismissing an employee.

Here’s your free copy of my dismissal guide but if you need any help in relation to this, or any other HR and people issues, please do get in touch.

Returning to the office with a hybrid team? Read my '5 things you don't want to get wrong' blog now.

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